The Psycho-Spiritual Institute (PSI) was established in 2013 by the Lux Terra Leadership Foundation, in collaboration with Missio Aachen, with the aim of training and graduating experts in Psycho-Spiritual Therapy and Counselling for African countries. The emergence of the Institute is in response to what many have identified as an urgent need to offer professional psychological and spiritual care to the increasing number of Africans, including their religious leaders, who now and again find themselves in difficult life situations of an emotional and psychological nature, but who often do not find adequate support.
The Psycho-Spiritual Institute (PSI) is founded on the philosophy which stresses free search for the whole truth about Humanity, Nature and God, promotes exploration of every path of knowledge with an abiding consciousness of the divine. The Psycho-Spiritual Therapy degree programmes will therefore be based on a fully integrated scientific and spiritual approach to understanding and resolving human problems of an emotional and psychological nature. The programme will also take into serious consideration the peculiar African socio-historical and cultural circumstances, and how they impact on the African’s psycho-emotional and spiritual wellbeing and possible transformation.
The Psycho-Spiritual programme is designed to offer opportunities for growth in knowledge, understanding and mastery (in a fully integrated manner), of the theories, techniques and practices that make up the best of the Psychological Sciences and the age-long Christian Soul-Care Tradition. This is aimed at achieving ongoing healing, growth, transformation and wholesome personality integration. Thus in pursuing learning and research, the Psycho-Spiritual Therapy and Counselling programme will constantly approach the human person as an integral whole – spiritual, psychological, moral, socio-historical, and cultural, rather than treated as separate compartments. The result, we believe, will be more fully healed and integrated persons, equipped to live out their lives with greater fulfillment.
As part of its integrated programme of training, the Institute will offer opportunities for periods of Reflection, Retreats, Spiritual Direction, One-on-One consultation, Growth Group Facilitation and ongoing transformation meetings. In this setting, students will be expected to incorporate in the process of their training, new opportunities for their own individual psycho-spiritual development, and for transformation in knowledge and abilities, attitudes and values, experiential enrichment, and for the ongoing discovery of the meaning of their lives. Lecturers and facilitators on the other hand, will be encouraged to constantly improve their own knowledge and competencies, and constantly update their course content and methodologies, within the context of the overall vision of the Institute.
Our students are exposed to Cross-Cultural Issues in a serene environment
Admission for the Masters Degree course is open to Candidates with a minimum of 1st First Degree in the Psychological Sciences, whereas the PGD course is open to all candidates with a minimum of first degree in any field/discipline.
Combining Academic Training, Professional Exposure, and Spiritual Formation
The Institute has two centres (Nairobi-Kenya and Abuja-Nigeria). The Nairobi Centre is housed at the Marist International University College, Karen, Nairobi-Kenya, and the Abuja Centre is located at 4 Congo Street, Villa Nova Estate, Apo Dutse, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja-Nigeria. Please visit the Centres using the links below and explore our programmes.